Základní škola Velehrad

12. 3. Řehoř

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Střípky z Vídně


Celkem 43 žáků naší školy se v pátek 19.září vydalo na dějepisnou exkurzi do Vídně. Během ní obdivovali krásy letního sídla Schonbrunn, kolonády Gloriette, prošli  hrad Hofburg s přilehlým parkem Volksgarten, obdivovali památník Marie Terezie. Závěr dne patřil zážitkům ve vyhlášeném vídeňském Prátru…

We have never been in historical part of Vienna.The first sightseeing we visited was Schonbrunn, the summer castle for royal family and uphill Gloriette view. In the city center we admired Hofburg Castle, St Stephens Dome, Memorial of Marie Therese.We went to sweet-shop after lunch and we also tasted original Sacher cake. Our trip was interesting and amusing, we really enjoyed it.

Silva and Bětka

We saw Parliament, Burgtheater, Monument of Marie Therese and others secese architecture sights during our trip. Mr Kočí – our guide told us many interesting things about Vienna. At the end of the program we went to Prater –amusement park. All of us enjoyed the carousels like roller coaster, house of ghosts and Vienna ferris wheel. We still miss this beautiful city!

Viktorka, Lenka, Anna

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